Derck Prinzhorn

I am a MSc Artificial Intelligence student at the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and a Machine Learning Architect at the Dutch Police.

Last year, I have focused on doing research internships and now I'm exploring the start-up world. Recently, I started my own company called Wisr, an education technology start-up focused on empowering teachers and students.

My interests are broad, but I tend to focus on high-risk AI applications. This includes topics such as responsible AI, AI safety, conformal prediction, medical AI, and AI for education.

In 2020 I started my Bachelor's in AI at the UvA. Next to studying, I worked as a Teaching Assistant at the UvA, as a software engineer at LeerLevels and became active in our robotics student team: Dutch Nao Team. My bachelor thesis was about uncertainty quantification in which I benchmarked various adaptive conformal prediction methods for time series.

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Highlights / News


I'm interested in AI safety, conformal prediction, medical AI and edtech.

project image

Conformal time series decomposition with component-wise exchangeability

Derck W. E. Prinzhorn, Thijmen Nijdam, Putri A. van der Linden, Alexander Timans
COPA, 2024
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We present a novel use of conformal prediction for time series forecasting that incorporates time series decomposition.

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Reproducibility study of FairAC

Gijs de Jong, Macha J. Meijer, Derck W. E. Prinzhorn , Harold Ruiter
TMLR, 2024
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This work reproduces Guo et al. (2023) on “Fair Attribute Completion on Graph with Missing Attributes,” confirming its claims, generalizability, and fairness improvements, with a refactored codebase.

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website